Monday, 2 June 2008

Zombies! Fast Play!!

Following on from my rant on how slow and pointless the Zombies! game is here are a set of fast play rules that simulate all of the flavour of the game but in a fraction of the time.

Fast Play Zombies!:
  • Roll dice to pick half the players - they are out the game because the helipad turned too far away from them.
  • Each of the players who are out the game pick a player they don't want to win so that everyone is trying to stop someone. The blocking players now hold their breath. Once one person can't bear it any longer and gives up then the game is over. The person they nominated wins despite their effort to stop them
This looses none of the real gameplay and has the benefit that you have hours of time left to play something else.

There is a slight flaw: if everyone is determined to carry on until they actually die then no one will win. However the real game seems to have the same flaw.

If you want a sensible suggestion for Fast Play Zombies then here is one that contains some reasonable suggestions.

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